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What on earth is Emotional Intelligence really?

🚢 Is your LeaderSHIP & RelationSHIPs smooth sailing, or are unseen emotional icebergs sinking your progress?

We often talk about Emotional Intelligence (EI, EQ) like it’s a mysterious force, nice to have maybe — some have it, some don’t.

But what if I told you it’s more like a navigation system for your leaderSHIP & relationSHIPs

⚓️The difference between drifting aimlessly and steering with purpose. Not just others (at work, at home, at school, in the community), but yourSelf 

💡 In my latest blog article, 1st written for LUX WMN, I break down how I came to understand EQ/EI  (hint: it’s not a “nice to have” or just being “nice” in the workplace) and why it’s the secret sauce to success in work and life.

🌊 Whether you're leading a team, a business, or your relationSHIP to Self, mastering EQ is the anchor to becoming conscious captain of your SHIPs:

⚓️ dodging icebergs of immature, outdated thinking, relating, reacting, consuming, denying and “hooking in”

⚓️ navigating stressy stormy seas creatively, innovatively

⚓️ sensing pirate SHIPs and how to deal before they can say Ahoy matey!

⚓️ and setting sail toward more impactful and humane leaderSHIP and fulfilling relationSHIPs.

⚓️ where a bit of strategic mature forethought set sails of Prosilience, Proformance and Probeing (vs wellbeing only) 

In the face of growing disruption in a volatile, evolving world, it’s an amicable anchor ⚓️

What’s been the biggest “EQ iceberg” you’ve encountered in your journey? Share below! ⬇️

Read all about this pertinent question on my new blog I am migrating to here:

emotional intelligence, what on earth is it really?


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